Het boek ‘Mama Afrika’ komt eraan!
Het verhaal is gebaseerd op waargebeurde feiten en speelt zich af in Gambia. Als de Nederlandse Lauren steeds opnieuw wordt opgelicht, besluit ze haar stukje land met daarop haar half afgebouwde autobandenhuis in Gambia te verkopen. Ze klopt aan bij het sigarettenkioskje van de Gambiaanse Adama en vraagt haar om hulp bij de verkoop. Ze wil terug naar Nederland, om nooit meer terug te komen. Maar Adama besluit anders…Blijf op de hoogte via FB
Auteursarchief: Bonnie Vooijs
Rent The Rubber House and Support The Gambia
Inspired by all these Rubber House stories? Want to have the experience?
New: The Rubber House is for Rent !
The Amazing Rianne
Rianne Habraken
This Gambia- based Dutch nurse has been helping Gambians for decades by giving them medical care. Rianne helps out with her own means, time and expertise and the help of a group of friends and relatives. She has never felt the need to set up a formal foundation or organization to support her activities. As a thank you, her support group receive letters (by snail mail!) in which she describes her experiences in the Gambia. Her letters read like the chapters of an exciting book in several volumes; moving, raw, respectful to Gambian culture and compassionate. Above all: Rianne cares.
Update: Rianne has passed away peacefully in 2020. Rest in Peace beautiful and inspiring lady. Your legacy will live on here and in The Gambia.
Follow us
Wanna see additional pictures of the house, chat or read about our adventures in the Gambia? Follow us on Facebook or follow @bonnievooijs on Twitter.
Ladies and Gentlemen: the Rubber House!
After five years, 426 tires, app. 100 workmen, many trucks of building material, laughs and cups of ataja the Rubber House is ready. We’re self-sustainable on solar and need no airconditioning, because of the tires. The compound is beautifully cool because of the shady spaces and has a place to grill ,a lovely Bantaba, a huge veranda and several hammocks!
Teach a Toubab….Josien and Adama
“Teach a Toubab to Ask”: Since us Toubabs*, we think we know everything, the Rubber House created this opportuntity to ask what you want to know from a Gambian. Josien in Sydney asks Adama what she does to recharge after a long day’s work.
- toubab: white man or woman/ somebody who can take care of himself
Teach a Toubab……: Wijn and Fatou
How do people charge their phones in the Gambia when the majority of the people have no power in their homes? That’s what Wijn from Zeeland, The Netherlands, wanted me to film (video). Fatou Gaye, a Gambian student and frequent internet user showed me at the market in Tanjeh.